Prevention Driven Healthcare


We believe that Preventus technology can lead the future of healthcare and prevention accessible to all levels of society in all possible locations. The ‘us’ in healthcare.

We first started with the problem.

Chronic conditions impact the people we care for with lifelong burdens to family, economy, quality of life & time. 

The truth is, chronic conditions are largely lifestyle related, and many can be prevented & better managed, especially with technology. 

We imagined the future of healthcare

What if we could use technology to automate health data collection and Ai to create unique insights to help patients, professionals and health organisations to better understand, manage and prevent chronic concerns and promote health throughout one's life?

We went on an educational adventure

What is the current way of managing the problem? How effective are we at managing the problem? How does this relate to preventing the problem? How can we use prevention as the driver of chronic disease management?

We integrated with some really smart health professionals and their teams

How can we create templates to gather essential health data points which our unique Ai driven algorithms can use to prevent, guide, support and communicate a range of specific health conditions?

We started the journey from the bottom up

Our ethos is focused on helping the many, not the few. We believe that health prevention should be available to everyone. From our personal experiences, we understand that accessibility to basic healthcare is a problem. With Preventus, we help bring health professionals & patients no matter where they are, together.