Prevention driven healthcare


Our aim is to better assess a child’s facial structure, smile, teeth and growth patterns for early intervention orthognathic & orthodontic consideration using automation, Ai & deep learning.


Facial growth can be an issue for many people throughout life. The impact includes function, aesthetics and even breathing.

If detected early, we have the proven treatment to effectively guide the facial growth of a child with minimal intervention.

The later the intervention the more elaborate the equipment is needed to modify growth of arch/jaw/teeth if at all.

For many, surgery is the only option, and if not available, leads to the aesthetic & functional compromise for life.


With our custom build Ai module and the aid of simple photographs, we can screen every child between 6-9 years old and provide health insight to the development of their jaw & face structure.

This valuable screening and information can assist dental professionals in the prediction of face type & jaw relationship on a mass scale, allowing for early intervention if required & preventing irreversible and difficult to treat face & jaw issues in the future.

Our technology can reduce life changing corrective measures later in life simply through early stage detection & intervention.


Cataract Related Blindness Assessment